Registered Office:
India Habitat Centre 1st Floor,East Court Core-4 A Lodhi Road,
New Delhi
New Delhi, India.
Initial public offer of 671,941,177* equity shares of face value of
(Rs) 10 each ("Equity Shares") of Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Limited (the "Company" or the "Issuer") for cash at a price of (Rs) 32 per equity share (including a premium of (Rs) 22 per equity share) ("Offer Price") aggregating to (Rs) 2150.21 crores*, comprising a fresh issue of 403,164,706* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 1290.13 crores* by the company (the "Fresh Issue") and an offer for sale of 268,776,471* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 860.09 crores* by the president of india, acting through the ministry of new and renewable energy, government of india ("Promoter Selling Shareholder") ("Offer for Sale", and together with the fresh issue, the "Offer").
This offer included a reservation of 1,875,420* equity shares aggregating to (Rs) 6.00 crores* (constituting 0.07% of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital of the company) for subscription by eligible employees (the "Employee Reservation Portion"). The offer less the employee reservation portion is hereinafter referred to as "Net Offer". The offer and the net offer would constitute 25.00% and 24.93%, respectively, of the post-offer paid-up equity share capital.
The offer price is (Rs) 32 per equity share and is 3.20 times the face value of the equity shares.
* Subject to finalisation of basis of allotment
Opens On
Closes On
Minimum Application for shares in Nos :
Further Multiples of :
Lead Managers to the Issue
Project Financed through Current Offer
Post Issue Equity Share Capital